Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Go Up With The Temperatures

Lately, reading through many of the fishing reports from various locations, a recurring theme of high water temperatures served as a reminder to follow the path of the mercury and go up into the High Country. This time of year it is important to have a thermometer to check water temperatures. Most trout fisheries are stressed when temperatures reach the upper 60's F. You can get current water temps on the reports at: http://www.flycurrents.com.

All of the popular destinations have virtually untouched fisheries in the higher elevations whether towards its source or one of the many of the tributaries. These smaller streams can serve as a refuge for the angler as well as the fish. Although the average size of these fish tend to be smaller, the experience can be many times more rewarding. Instead of trying to get the perfect drift with the exact fly, you can find yourself trying to get 'a' drift with just about any fly. Getting creative with the fly rod, line and fly to make a presentation in an impossible lie is the reward and getting a strike is truly icing.

It is a perfect time of year to explore some of those 'circles' in the Gazetteer. The opportunity for this kind of adventure is quickly closing and it may haunt you all winter long.


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